Volunteering Opportunities Volunteering Opportunities Learn about various roles here Learn about how we treat your data here Please fill in the form below to start the application process. Leave this field blank Full Name Address Postcode Email Address Telephone Number Volunteering Roles Please tick the one/s of interest. Please note if you wish to be considered for one of the roles not currently available your details will be put on a waiting list. Adviser Training Programme – 2 days per week Telephone Assessor – 1 day or 2 half days p/w Admin support – 1 day or 2 half days p/w Please describe your skills & experience relevant to the roles you selected above. This can be from your education, work & volunteering experience. Availability: When can you work with us? Monday – Friday. Please specify Additional information relating to your availability / time constraints. Please complete References: Please give the names and contact details of two people, who know you in a work related, academic or professional capacity. This could be an employer, teacher, tutor, a colleague, or former-colleague where you have worked or volunteered before. It could also be someone who knows you well (but not a member of your family). (optional) (optional) Reference 1, Full Name Address and Postcode E-mail and contact number In what capacity do they know you? Reference – 2, Full name Address and Postcode E-mail and contact number In what capacity do they know you? Our Policy on Convictions: Having a criminal record is not in itself a barrier to volunteering, and we will only take relevant convictions or sexual offences into account. Our policy is in place to make sure ex-offenders are treated fairly. We consider each offence individually, looking at issues like a risk to the client, how long ago it took place, the circumstances and whether they are relevant to the volunteer role. Anyone with caution or conviction for a sexual offence against a child or vulnerable adult is considered unsuitable to volunteer. (optional) Do you have any unspent convictions? Answer yes or no Yes No If YES please provide details of the offence and the date of conviction: Entitlement to Work or Volunteer If you are from outside the EU / EEA, it’s important you check you are permitted to volunteer or carry out ‘unpaid work’ in addition to your main reason for entering the country, to avoid jeopardising your visa status. If you cannot find the answer clearly on your immigration documentation, contact the UK Border Agency (www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk) (optional) Declaration -All the information I have provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Please acknowledge by entering date of completing form. Volunteer Diversity Monitoring Form – OPTIONAL. Citizens Advice values diversity promotes equality and challenges discrimination. We welcome and encourage volunteer applications from people of all backgrounds, age, disability, gender, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation. Monitoring recruitment and selection procedures are one way that helps us to ensure that there is no discrimination in our recruitment process. To do this we need to know about the diversity profile of people who apply for volunteer roles at Citizens Advice Bromley. Data protection overview If you are happy to provide it, we will use this information for the sole purpose of allowing us to monitor equality of opportunity and treatment as necessary to maintain or promote equality within Citizens Advice Bromley. The information you give us will be kept securely, won't be shared outside the service and is confidential. It will not be seen by anyone responsible for making recruitment decisions or have any impact on you directly. If you are successful in your application and we require this information for other purposes, you will be asked to provide it separately – i.e. this form will not be used for other purposes. If you would prefer not to answer any of the questions we ask, please leave them blank. If you would like us to stop using the information you provide, please contact us. (optional) Age Please select one of the options below Under 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Gender Disability Please select an option below Yes No Ethnic origin Please select one of the options below English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British Irish Gypsy or Irish Traveller White & Black Caribbean White & Black African White & Asian Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Caribbean Arab How did you hear about us? Please give details below How we will use your information. The information you give us on this form will be used to help us decide whether to recruit you as a volunteer – this is our ‘legitimate interest’ under data protection law. It will only be seen by staff involved in the recruitment process and will be stored securely. We will retain unsuccessful application forms for up to 1 year from the date the application form was received. If you are recruited, we will retain your contact information in order to involve and support you. We will also collect additional information, such as next of kin details, and overtime records of training, support meetings and where relevant, appraisals. Again, it will be kept securely, and only those people who need to see your information in order to involve you will have access to it. All use of volunteer information will be relevant to their involvement, and may include: ● Contacting volunteers when necessary ● Making changes to role, support or equipment to improve accessibility ● Monitoring the statistical details of our volunteers ● Providing ongoing support to volunteers ● Monitoring the quality of advice given to clients ● Addressing problems or complaints You have legal rights over your data, including access to it, and the right to ask that it is corrected, restricted or deleted. There is more information on these rights on the Information Commissioner’s Office website: www.ico.org.uk Questions regarding data? If you have any questions about the use of your data, please contact ceo@citizensadvicebromley.org.uk Send